Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Dates: the Do’s and the Don’ts.

“There’s always a first time” this is a popular quote by someone trying something for the first time and people’s first trial of anything in life is often the most memorable time of their lives, so going for the first date is a very critical moment in any relationship. You want to put your best attitude forward by making a good impression. A first date can either be a wonderful experience, smooth and easygoing or can end up being a total disaster. Well fear not, to have a comfortable and delightful date; here are some first dates do’s and don’ts from a dating site named First Date: Do's and Don't, :

The Dos…
§ Be on time: Being punctual is very important because there is no such thing as “fashionably late”. This can be overlooked on other dates but not on the first date or else your date will think you stood him or her up.
§ Dress for the occasion: Dress to look good and feel comfortable. Always arrive well groomed. Rushing to a date from work looking disheveled or overdress is not the best way to begin.
§ Be polite and courteous: Impolite remarks or impatient behavior is offensive. Show respect for and towards your date by being nice and having a positive attitude.
§ Be a good Listener: When you listen carefully, the conversation flows along. This will let your date feel good and important and notice more positive characters in you. Try not to ask too many personal questions.
§ Have a moderate conversation: Have a light conversation on topics like work, education, hobbies, sports, kids (if they have any) and knowing each others background.
The Don’ts…
§ Don’t order sloppy food: Choose your food with care, most especially when you are not the one paying for the meal. Stay away from the greasy foods or meal that might embrace you in front your date.
§ Do not mention your ex boyfriend or girlfriend or ex-spouse.: Do not talk about or mention your past romantic liaisons. It just comes off as insecurity. Your date is with you because she finds some value in you. Your first date is not a therapy session.
§ Do not assume that he or she will pay: No matter who invites whom, it is always a nice gesture to offer to pay for the meal or pay half the check.
§ Do not get drunk: Keep to your alcohol intake to a limit. This is a bad gesture and is very embracing.
§ Do not talk on your phone: There is nothing is ruder than for you to be talking on your cell phone, or checking messaged constantly while on a date. It expresses rudeness and that you may also be bored and uninterested in your date making him or her feel insecure and upset. So wait until the end of your date to check messages and if you must talk on your phone on and answer it, keep your talk short
With this few pointers on the first dates do's and don'ts, we hope it will helps put you on the right track to having a wonderful first date.
the lesson is First Dates are often nerve racking and can often leave us shy but it is most important make
a good first impression and be safe.

Why so much sex and not enough love?

I watched the movie titled The 40- Year-Old Virgin and I must say, it was the best movie I have watched so far. This movie not only got great review for Hollywood’s toughest critics but it became an iconic movie in pop culture. I wondered how in a sex crazed/sex charged country like America this movie was a success among young people. The American culture (sex-saturated society) sends sexual messages through peer pressure and media that everyone is and should be having sex at all time, with lots of partners; that is why it seems laughable to the some people when they discover someone is a virgin. Andy world turn upside- down when his co-workers and friends discovered that he was a virgin.
It is very funny movie but it’s real-life because the message is; not everything have to be about sex, or losing ones virginity to find love or to feel better among friends. In the movie, I see a nice, hardworking, and sweet guy who does not know how to go about love, dating, and sex. He has pretty much given up on women and found solitude in his apartment; painting his action figures and playing his video games instead.
You get to wonder that Andy’s life is no fun at all for a single man like him. He should be out there dating and not be in seclusion or letting his co-workers make his decision of getting laid for him.
The film brilliantly is a combination of sweet and very offensive dialogs not good for young people under the age of 15.
The sex comedy teaches a very good message for teens and adults alike on topics like abstinence, love and having safe sex. These topics are discussed in a very funny but real way; it is like teaching sex education with crude humor and foul language.
Metaphorically, the countless toys and action figures replaced Andy’s virginity because it is the only way he had fun. When someone decides to lose his or her virginity, they must consider the right time and the right partner.
His unwillingness to approach women continued until he meets the woman of his dream Trish.
Before Andy met Trish he had to leave the comfort zone of his home to go with his co-workers to bars, hook-up parties, and look groomed for the ladies (the chest waxing scene). Funny enough it took him a long time to lose his virginity to her.
I read a surprising report on older virgins from a blog, by a San Francisco journalist Michael Castleman. The blog is titled Are There Really 40-Year-Old Virgins? The reports say
The study found two significant associations with older virginity: regular attendance at
religious services and abstinence from alcohol. However, in my interviews with older virgins and with the therapists who counsel them, those factors appear much less important than profound shyness, social awkwardness, and general discomfort with the opposite sex and the whole idea of physical intimacy with another person. As one told me: "I shut myself off. I can't really explain why, except to say I was very shy. I was keenly interested in women, but they intimidated me. I had no idea how to get beyond casual friendships to anything romantic, no idea at all.
"Fortunately, there's help for older virgins, surrogate partner
therapy. In fact, today, a substantial proportion of surrogate partners' clients are older virgin men. (Michael Castleman, 2011).
Everything Michael Castleman said in his blog, are the attributes of Andy the 40-Year-Old virgin. He is so socially inept with the woman and it like he cannot seem to get it on.
In the movie, I see his earlier sexual attempts with girls but his body seems to shut down or repel the girls. In the long run, the lesson learnt in the movie is that it is never too late to find love with that special someone to share ones life with.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kerrelyn Sparks Love at Stake Series Novels

I am a big fan of all the Love at Stake Series; as a matter of fact reading the books open my thirst for paranormal romance stories. I like a dose of modern reality into fantasy with a twist of comedy. I even prefer Kerrelyn books to those of Lynsay Sands (in her books vampires get away with everything. Yuck!!!!!)

The Good
The very first book I read was The Undead Next Door. The title alone was enough to poke my curiosity but, when I read the book, Behold!!!!!! My thirst (interest) began.
My favorite book of all Love at Stake Series is The Undead Next Door and I want to thank Kerrelyn for this one in particular because the heroine in the book Heather is a plus size woman. It is not every day one reads a romance novel with an average size heroine. She did not use the usual skinny fashion models that most romance authors use for the hero of their books (she could have but you didn’t especially NOT!!!!!! Simone). It is like a romance novel for plus size women.
Jean-Luc likes his women with more meat on their bones. Yeah!!!!!!! Big boned women should also find love. I love it so much that I talked about it in my class: the assignment was (What is the favorite book you have read?). Next, I read Be Still My Vampire Heart, then Vamps and the City up until I finally read How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire then I was up to date and I wanted more…………….

The Bad

I loved every Love at Stake Book you wrote up until I read Vampire Mine.
Connor Buchanan, when I first read about his character, I know he would be a tough egg to crack. Of course I agree he is a cold-hearted SOB who would not even dream of doing what his friends, employer or even his master were doing (a hero with a heart of stone). Now here is where it goes south for me, she had to use an angle WHAT!!!! (Wowwww!!!!!! Why? Are earthly women are not worthy for him?)Why adding heavenly characters? For me to imagine an angle even with a vamp having sex is a turn off for me. I was hoping Connor hooks up with Alyssa Barnet since their first meeting in How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire (now that would have be a story to sink your teeth into) but you make matters worse
by letting Alyssa now have a crush on Connor when you already match him with Marielle.
It is not straight forward love like the rest of them; it’s more like a roller coaster of love (Boy!!!!! I am feeling dizzy). I have always savored all you love/sex scene but in Vampire Mine I had to skip it; like I said earlier, I can’t imagine or fantasize an angle having sex (is like making a holy thing unholy).
Imagine Father Andrew having sex ugghhhhh!!!!!! I am sad that you had to tragically end his character but at last got rid of Casimir (is about time). So for Vampire Mine, it is thumbs down from me.
Why adding heavenly characters? For me to imagine an angle even with a vamp having sex is a turn off for me. I was hopin

And The Comm’on
Really!!!!!! Gregori and Abby the Daughter to the President, Really!! Kerrelyn Really!!?
A Vampire in-law to the first family? Really? What next? Zoltan Czakva weds Pippa Middleton? Really!! Kerrelyn. Won’t future presidents and security services be informed about the existence of vampires? Comm’on won’t that lead to more exposure?
Vampires were not only been exposed by the vindictive Corky Courrant, she then give her the nerve to show up at Gregori and Abby engagement party and hoping to get credit for the chain reaction of events she has caused. I know that Kerrelyn knows that vampires suppose to be a “secret society” (you might be trying to push the envelope) which I admire of her (you go girl!!!) but if I want to read or watch vampires coming out to the public or out of the coffin, I rather watch TRUE BLOOD ( love it, never miss an episode)
Sexiest Vampire Alive is filled with suspense and passion and just enough danger to keep one on the edge of your seat with a new enemy on board. (So long!!!! Casimir) Just how I like it.